A day in my life: Friday March 19th 2010

My dear blogger friends,

We want to thank you for all your kind words and sympathy for us after Roussy has passed away. We are touched by all the sympathy from you, our family and our friends as most of them knew how much Roussy meant to us. R. has been the greatest these past few days, he has been my rock! Thanks sweety!

We have been talking a lot about her this past few days. We have peace in our hearts that she’s gone and we talk about all the sweet and nice memories we have of her. Our house is so empty and quiet now that she’s not here anymore.

Roussy has been cremated yesterday morning. Her ashes will come home to us and we will find a nice spot in the garden where the sun shines most of the times where she will have her final resting place, close to us.

It is amazing how this blogging community works. We have never seen each other. Most of you and I have an ocean between us but that doesn’t matter. We follow each other and share happy and sad moments. I never expected this when I first started blogging. If one of you ever visits Holland be sure that you are welcome in my home.

My intuitive eating doesn’t go that well, in fact I gained this week but decided that it doesn’t matter this week.

I haven’t exercised since Saturday. Till Wednesday this was because I was sore and I never got to run on Wednesday because of what happened to Roussy. Right now I still don’t feel like running or something else. Maybe tomorrow.

But things have got to change because I can’t continue like this otherwise I will gain a little more every week.

So here’s the plan that I’m going to follow. It’s not a new plan, it just has to be dusted off and followed by me:

  • Eat healthy: 3 meals and 3 (healthy) snacks every day.
  • Work out 4 to 5 times a week.
  • Get enough sleep

That’s it, these are simple rules. No all I have to do is follow it. This weekend I’m still on a time out, I’ll see how things go. If I want to run tomorrow or Sunday I will, if not that’s okay too. But starting Monday there will be no more excuses.

I also will be catching up with your blogs from tomorrow too. And my next post will be a normal post like I use to write.

Before Wednesday I have been thinking about blogging and the Dutch forum that I write on and I already decided that both are important to me and I want to spend my time on both. This means I closed my Facebook account and have a low profile on Twitter (haven’t decided it I will delete my account) so that I save some extra time to read blogs and “talk” to my friends on my forum.

And here’s where you come in: I love reading your blogs and I’m always looking for nice blogs to follow. So if you have a tip of a blog that’s a must: let me know so I can take a look and maybe follow it. I’m especially interested in those who are trying to lose weight and run or running blogs.

Again: thank you, all your comments meant a lot to me.

20 responses to “A day in my life: Friday March 19th 2010

  1. Be kind to yourself. It will be some time before you feel like “yourself”.


  2. I know this cute blonde that runs a blog , starts with a S ends with YL 🙂

    Oh my dear friend, my heart breaks for you I know how hard it is to lose a pet and what a void it leaves. Right now I think you need to focus on you and putting one foot ahead of the other, one day at a time. So glad that hubby is there for you and you can find support in one another.

    Chin up girl, when your ready go for a run and clear your head, i know that always makes me feel better.
    hugs from Canada!

  3. I hope you have a great weekend! Hugs being sent your way 🙂

  4. You have been through a strong emotional time; be sure to not rush yourself into working out, but a nice walk might help. Don’t worry too much about your weight – when things feel a little less raw, your eating and weight will get back to normal. Hugs to you.

    Here are some running blogs I like:

  5. It’s hard to keep up with all the social media, isn’t it? I love how you spent time reminiscing about Roussy.

    The blogging world is wonderful.

  6. I feel the same way about getting to all the sights. I can never keep up with everything I feel out and I don’t even work. I know Roussy will love her spot in the sun!

  7. It might take a while to feel normal again Fran but we’re all here for you. Don’t rush yourself. I’m glad we were able to make you feel better. Hang in there girl.

  8. Fran, I feel the same – I was thinking about you a lot this week, my mom and I talked about you losing Roussy (she lost two dogs in the same way, they fell in the pool) – even though we have never met, I guess following someone’s blog makes you privy to their life in a way that you become friends.

    I am glad you are giving yourself time to regroup. And if you ever are down here in Belgium – you are more than welcome at my home!

  9. Hi Fran!
    Thanks for the visit, I do love Shelley and her blog and your blog is great too! I like your title!
    Sorry for your loss…it’s always hard to lose a pet.
    Thanks for stating your eating goals, it’s such a struggle for me but I do enjoy seeing what everyone else is doing to work on in regards to exercise and eating!
    Oh, and I’m trying to work on more sleep too!
    Nice meeting you, Fran! Have a nice weekend!

  10. Thank you so much for visiting my blog!! I am so sorry for your loss.

  11. Take care of yourself and take time to grieve. I know how hard this is.

  12. Hi Fran, I tired posting a reply earlier but for whatever reason was unable.

    So glad to know you are doing better. That was a horrible loss. I could feel your pain through the words you wrote when you described what had happened. How awful you must have felt that day.

    Memories are priceless-no?

    You are a kind and thoughtful person Fran. Glad to “know” you 🙂

  13. Nice that you are R. spent some time talking about Roussy and your good memories.

    Your post made me tear up…it is so true though. There is an ocean between us but I share your pain.

    If you ever get to Ontario you are welcome here as well!

    This is the blog of a lady from WW.ca She is a runner like you and is actually going to be in my city next week for a race.


  14. I’m so sorry about your loss. Take care of yourself…

  15. So glad you are doing a little better.

    I don’t tweet on my fitness account anymore….I was talking to myself.

    Have a great week!

  16. thanks for checking out my blog (and for the suggestion, k).

    So sorry to read about your loss. The outpouring of support you’ve received does speak volumes about the great communities that blogging creates and how valuable friendships can be created online.

    I do hope that you take time to heal, spend time on your health and on the things that you truly value.

    All of the best.

  17. Fran,
    I was catching up with my blog reading and just read about Roussy. I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. It’s so hard when they pass so suddenly. Be kind to yourself. You’ll get back on track soon. Right now, you have to let yourself feel better.

  18. I am so sorry for your loss. Pets are like part of the family and their passing can cause a great deal of emotion. Dogs are especially wonderful because they are always so happy to see you at the end of the day and give you comfort in times of need. I know that your little Roussy will be missed dearly.

  19. ((HUGS)) Fran. In the last few days, thinking of you & Roussy, I have been giving my little princess, Tia, extra snuggles and telling her how much I love her.

    I have quite a few running bloggers on a list on my blog if you want to check them out. Too many favourites to list.

    Take care!

  20. Sending more hugs your way. I’m glad you are finding peace with it and hope things continually get better.

    I am like you in that I absolutely love this community of bloggers. I know I’ve appreciated the encouragement and support from you! I have a friend (in real life) whom I’ve known since highschool. She has been on her weight loss journey for almost a year, but only recently started blogging. Her name is Lynne and she can be found here: http://www.losinglynne.com

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