A day in my life: Wednesday September 23th 2009


I’m still not feeling well, the pain in my throat is gone but I have to cough a lot and I’ve lost my voice almost completely. I kept on working this week but I’m having a hard time concentrating which means that I’m now behind at my work. Tomorrow’s my day off so I’m taking it slow and hopefully feel better soon.

I did take a break from exercising on Monday and Tuesday.

Today I decided I had to run, I wanted to know how I would do at running with my cold. It was hard! I ran 2.5 miles in about 30 minutes. My lung capacity isn’t a 100%. I’ve lost my confidence through this that I will run the 10K without walking on Sunday. I’m kind of getting afraid that I will finish last.

My best friend who was supposed to run the race with me injured her ankle yesterday while running and she won’t be participating Sunday. She is however going with me to the race and will be cheering for me along the road together with another friend of ours.

I have a question for the more experienced runners: I planned to run today and then no running till Sunday. But I’m thinking of running a short run on Friday just to see how my lung capacity is then. What do you suggest: is it okay to do a short run or should I rest till Sunday?

The Hot 100 – Going out with a bang

Did you know that today it’s exactly a 100 days till this year ends? South Beach Steve at http://logmyloss.com/?p=1975 has created a challenge: the hot 100 – going out with a bang. You’ll have to set goals for yourself and post about them at least every 10 days. If you want to join: visit Steve’s blog. I decided to participate.

My goals for the next 100 days are:
Lose at least 6 kg / 13 lbs.
Reduce fat% with 2 points (09/23: 43.3).
Exercise at least 4 times a week with at least 2 runs in a week.
Complete the 30 day shred between September 23th and December 31th (at least 5 days a week).
Complete a 30 day challenge hard at the WII EA Sports Active.
Sleep at least 7 hours a night.

I will keep you updated on this challenge every 10 days.

What’s for dinner:
Yesterday I’ve made hot chicken with rice and vegetables.

Today I’ve had no inspiration so I’ve made junkfood, something that’s called “broodje shoarma” in Dutch, it’s a pita sandwich with spiced pork meat and garlic sauce.


Well as I said above I’m not feeling well so basically do nothing more than work, read some blogs and go to bed early. Very boring but I want to get healthy soon so I really need to do things easy these days.

Positive today:
Did go running even though I’m not feeling well

Daily Tip/Quote:
Most mistakes in a race are made in the first two minutes, perhaps in the very first minute.

(this one I have to remember Sunday!)

8 responses to “A day in my life: Wednesday September 23th 2009

  1. Oh man! I am so sorry you are under the weather! Being sick is no fun at all! Especially when you have been training so hard!

    There are mixed reviews regarding exercise while working out. I am no Dr. and have ZERO medical background BUT I say you should give your body a rest. Let this sickness pass. Sometimes working out too soon can actually make your immune system weaker (so it seems to me) resulting in you being sick longer. At this point, IF I were you I would rest today and tomorrow. Friday give it a go and if you still feel bad then rest until Sunday. you have been training hard. Thankfully a week will not sabbatoge your efforts. I read somewhere that it would take TWO WEEKS of being a complete couch potato to start losing your conditioning. THAT is good news! Think of this week as a serous taper and a good rest. By Sunday, if you are feeling much better, you will be refreshed and ready to run!!!

    Good luck! I hope this helps a little. And again I am no expert, but I have run while sick before.


  2. Recuperation is most important for you right now. I don’t think a short test run on Friday would be a problem, though.

    It’s really okay if you need to walk some in the 10K. Even if you come in last, you will still be ahead of all the other people that were just sitting on their duff that day! Be proud that you are doing these at all 😀

  3. Sorry you’re sick before the big race – but don’t wear yourself out further by doing too much too soon. I know it’s hard to hear, but there will be other races where you’ll be at 100%, so take it easy on yourself this time. Hope you feel better soon, Fran.

  4. Hi fran,
    I had the same thing a week before mine, I got a really sore through and cold on monday and was schedule for my 10k on Sunday. I took cold FX and felt “better”. What I didn’t know is that i had broncotis. I took the ENTIRE week off before my run to allow my body to rest.

    I can’t really say what will work for you but what I would suggest is that you take it easy.

    Good luck!

  5. I think a short relaxing run would be a good idea, if you feel okay by then. I’m so sorry about your friend turning her ankle. At least she will be there cheering you on.

    Take it easy on the exercise, especially with a cough. Take care!

  6. I am no runner, so I cannot offer advice that is worth offering. Hopefully you will start feeling better. It is tough when you are coming up on something like this and you are under the weather. The best of luck to you.

  7. Hi Fran,
    I’m sorry that you’re sick, right before your 10K, that happened to me once and it really stressed me out. But it could be a blessing in disguise for forcing you to lay low and take it easy. The best thing you can do is take good care of yourself this week, rest and eat lots of fruit, drink green tea for the antioxidants, and by Sunday you will a reserve of energy and should do fine. And so what if you have to walk a bit? Just do your best on the day, we will all be proud of you.

    My son is home today with a sore throat too, there is a lot going around. But better to be sick now than on Sunday! Good luck!

  8. 100 days? Wow…I think I need to join that challenge!

    Hope you are feeling mucho better today!

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