Singelloop Utrecht 09-27-2009


I’ve run my first 10K race and finished it in 1.19.35.

At 10.45 am I’ve met my best friend K at the train station in Amersfoort. In the train we’ve met a lovely married couple, he was 62, she was 61, they were going to run also. She’s giving me a tablet which contained carbs which I should take at 5 km and that would give me an energy boost. Well I did take it but still waiting for the energy boost.

At the train station in Utrecht we’ve met our other friend W. and the three of us walked to the start of the run. At that time it was 11.15 am so we had to wait for 1 hour and 15 minutes. At about 10 minutes before that start we said goodbye and I walked to the starting line. I stood at the back so I wouldn’t start to fast.

I walked towards the starting line, turned my ipod and heart rate monitor on and started running. People were passing me by all around me but it didn’t bother me: I was running just for me. The first 1K was a tough one. Between 2 and 4K it went allright but I’ve noticed that I haven’t recovered completely from my cold and it was hot.

At the 5K point I got myself some water and decided to walk for about 2 minutes. After that I walked for about 2 minutes at every next K sign and sometimes also in between. If I hadn’t done that I wouldn’t have finished.

Already before the 5K point I was one of the last persons, never been the last one, running and most of the public left already. But the ones who were still standing there cheered to me and applauded for me. At the 5K point a little girl ran a bit with me, yelling that I should hold on, it was so sweet. Later at about 8K an official also ran a bit with me.

Finally the last K, I could see the finish line and at 750 before the finish my friends were there yelling and screaming at me to keep on going. They really helped me through the last metres. Then at my ipod (did that on purpose) Rocky’s theme: Gonna fly now and the last 500 metres I took a sprint towards the finish. I gave it all those last 500 metres. K. told me that she saw me doing that and said to W. “look she’s taking a sprint”.

At the finish line the speaker said: There’s Franciska from Bunschoten, you go girl, you can do it. This made me run a few steps harder.

Finally at 1.19.35 I crossed the finish line, got my medal and went looking for my friends. We went to the city to have a drink together and I was home at about 4 pm.

Even though I had to walk a few times and I finished almost last (I passed two men who finished behind me)  I’m so proud I made it. I’ve not been well this whole week so I’m happy I finished. From this point on it can only get better.

Before the start:

Almost at the finish:

Sprinting towards the finish line

My medal

11 responses to “Singelloop Utrecht 09-27-2009

  1. WOOHOOOO. I’m so proud of you!! Well done! GO GIRL

  2. YAY FRAN!!! I am so happy for you!!! I love that so many people were rooting you on – that’s awesome that the announcer called you name! Great job!!!

  3. Yay, Fran!! I am soooooooo PROUD of you!! You DID IT!!!! I woke up at 5:30 am EST, and was thinking about you and saying, “One more hour, Fran. You can do it. It’s almost time!” Then, at 6:30 am EST, I was thinking, “Here she goes.” I was cheering for you in my head all morning.

    And you did it!! I am so proud of and inspired by you! I did my last long run today, before I taper down next week, and covered a little over 6 miles – it was TOUGH! I know I will walk some, too, for sure. Thanks for sharing your race report with us.. I’ve been waiting all day! CONGRATULATIONS, friend!! Way to go!!!

    Hugs from Orlando,

  4. I’m so proud of you! You did it! You did it!

  5. Fran, that is awesome!!! Great job!!! Your time was great, sounds like it went so well – enjoy basking in the feeling of success – and how all that training paid off in enabling you to finish.

  6. Fran, you ran a great race !

  7. so proud of you Fran, what an accomplishment! I bet if felt great. Keep up the great work 🙂

  8. Fran, I am *SOOO* proud of you!!!!!! I even have tears in my eyes! What a sap I must be! LOL!!! I wish I was there to give you a big hug! What a wonderful accomplishment!!! Woohooo!!!! Congrat’s! Next year you’re gonna kick some @ss!!!

  9. Fran – Congrats on your run! How awesome are you?!?!?

  10. Bravo runner girl! You are amazing!

  11. AWESOME JOB!!! I can’t believe I am just now checking in with you! SORRY!!!! I am so happy to read your race report! Way to go!!!!!

    I think your new goals are going to be a breeze!


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