Trappenbergloop Huizen, March 7th 2010

When I got up this morning the weather was beautiful: clear blue sky and sunshine. A perfect day for a run and it stayed that way although it was cold.

We left at 10.45 am, it was a 10 minute drive. After we arrived I picked up my start number. I said to R. that I wanted to take a picture of the pick-up stand for the numbers. That’s where we found out that the battery of our camera was still in the charger at home. Very stupid of us. So no pictures today. R. made some with his cell phone and I hope there will be some pictures on the website of me.

The start was at noon so we had to wait for about 45 minutes. That’s when we found out it was very cold when you were standing still. I didn’t wear my thermo clothes so I kept jumping up and down to stay a bit warm. During the run it wasn’t cold at all. R. however was standing still and for him it was kind of cold.

I signed up for 4K which was 2 laps. As it was in the woods you had to watch where you run very carefully so that you wouldn’t hurt your ankles but it went okay. There was a pretty serious hill about 500 metres for the finish but I had no trouble taking it both rounds.

Overall it went great, at some point I was running on open field in the sunshine and it felt great. I wasn’t tired at all. In the second round when I ran up the hill I took about 30 seconds to recatch my breath, then it went downhill and I took a sprint to the finish line passing for at least 4 other women, have to be honest: that was a great feeling.

I didn’t finish last there was a woman who finished at least 4 minutes behind me. I think my days of finishing as one of the last people are over. I’m faster now than when I did my first run back in June 2009.

I’m very happy with the results, I finished in 26.51 which for me is very fast, my fastest official run ever.

Weather: sunny, clear, cold
Distance: 4K / 2.4 miles
Time: 00:26:51
Average time: 6:43 /km
Average speed: 8.9 km/hour (5.5 miles /hour)

Here’s the link with the route and stats of my Garmin for those of you who are interested:

Garmin Connect – Activiteitdetails voor Zondag 07-03-2010: Trappenbergloop Huizen 4K.

13 responses to “Trappenbergloop Huizen, March 7th 2010

  1. Your Personal Best! Fastest Time Ever!!! Great job. sounds like a beautiful day and a beautiful run.

  2. Fran, i’m so very happy and proud for you! That is a great time. i sure hope you are able to get some pictures!

    Congrats Fran, you did so wonderful!

  3. onelittlejill

    I can hear the pride in your voice here- way to go Fran!

  4. Great job Fran! This is outstanding!

  5. Great Job!!! I am glad that you finally got to run!

  6. YAY FRAN!!! I was thinking about you this morning – glad your run went so well and that you had good, if a bit cold, weather. Congratulations – you were the first to run on Blogger Run Day!

    P.S. Great job with your time!!!

  7. Great job Fran! Congratulations!

  8. Yay Fran!!! Way to go – you did great and more important, you really enjoyed yourself! That’s when all the training is worth it!

  9. I’m here! 🙂

    Fran that’s an awesome time. Sounds like a great run. Good for you for passing those ladies at the end. Well done!

  10. Bravo, bravo on the new PB! I hope you get some pictures up!

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Great job on the run! I haven’t done a race in years as I have a weak ankle which I injured again and again (partly because I didn’t listen to my body). Whenever I read about someone’s running experiences, I want to start training for a race again… 🙂

  12. Gefeliciteerd! Leuk dat je al die gegevens kunt terugzien met Garmin!

  13. Wooo! Kudos, my friend. These races are so much fun, aren’t they? Congrats on such a fast time!! And yes, the days of you being last are gone, that’s a good feeling huh??

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