A day in my life: Wednesday April 7th 2010

Yesterday I cleaned the bathroom and upstairs rooms after dinner. I don’t like to do housework but it has to be done since I still don’t own gnomes to do it for me. I’m too much of a perfectionist to hire a cleaning lady so I’ll do it myself but sometimes it’s a lot besides working 36 hours a week, working out and a social life. So I wondered last night: when do you do your housework if you have a job or children who are still at home?

Tomorrow is girl’s night out. After work K. and I are going to an Italian restaurant for some pasta and after that we are going to the movies. We’re going to see “Remember me” with Robert Pattinson and Pierce Brosnan. I’m really looking forward to this.

Today after work I went out for a run and it was a bad run, I had to walk several times. Reasons?

First of all it was very warm, temperature was 22 ˚C (71 degrees). This is a temperature we have on a normal Summer day in July or August and a difference of 14 ˚C (57 degrees) compared to my Sunday run. I’m not used to these temperatures yet, the difference is too big at once. Second, I was overdressed because I didn’t expect it would be so warm. Third my right leg hurt during my run. Fourth since I haven’t been running much lately straight from work I’ll have to get used to that again, but I will.

So this wasn’t a good run but that’s okay, there will always be good and bad runs. My next run might be good again or maybe a bad one again but then the next will be good.

Weather: 22 ˚C/71 degrees, cloudy, humid, not much wind.
Distance: 3.8K / 2.3 miles
Time: 00:27:51
Average time: 7:20 /km
Average speed: 8.2 km/hour

Goal total km’s/miles week 14:
22K / 14.2 miles.

So far week 14: 12.8K / 7.9 miles

Pic of the day:
I’m adding something new to my blog: pic of the day. Every day I will take a picture from my daily life, or something I see or do. Now all I have to do is remind myself to take a picture everyday. I intend to forget that sometimes.

Tuesday: bleh, bathroom cleaning.

Wednesday: precious jewels. I don’t wear much gold jewels but today it happened to be that it matched my outfit. These jewels are precious to me because they were all given to me by the most important persons in my life. I got the watch for my 18th birthday from my Granny. The necklace and the closed bracelet were a gift from my parents. R. gave me the earrings.

The charm bracelet I also got from my Gran with a bracelet on it with my initials and birth date on it. When my Dad was diagnosed with cancer he wanted to give me something to remember him, I could choose anything. But I choose a “simple” bracelet which says “your Dad” and with his birth day on it. After that I got one from my Mom and from R. These 4 people are the most important people in my life even though Dad and Granny aren’t among us anymore. So all these jewels are precious to me.

What’s for dinner:
Yesterday simple: pork meat, potatoes and green beans.

Today a rice recipe. Before preparing:

Ready to eat:

Daily Tip/Quote:
A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theatre admission and the babysitter were worth it.
Alfred Hitchcock

11 responses to “A day in my life: Wednesday April 7th 2010

  1. Hello there

    I am loving the warmer weather…and when I run I run with my strappy tops as I know when I start its coolish but 10 mins into the run you boiling…everyone else who is walking, riding bikes, roller blading are all dressed up in coats and scarfs still…they must think I’m the weird on, but they are!!
    I am lucky I am able to adjust to the heat easily, if you think I left here at minus temp and started running in 32/38 degrees back in CT without any struggles, but then as I keep on telling you…I’m from Africa….hehehe

    Have a good night out with your friend, I miss doing that with a girlfriend…something I did a lot when living in SA.

    In SA I worked 5 jobs – was a single mom and had help once a week for the floors, windows and ironing..the rest I managed…when i moved here I missed having that help as was so used to it…all my family have help every single day…love going home and not having to worry about doing the ironing, or cleaning – there is someone doing it for me…but here I like you, clean my own home – I would feel too lazy if I got help, imagine sitting at home most of the day and asking H to pay for help…LOL…that would be lazy of me dont you also think?

    Love the sentimental reasons behind your gold jewelry – very special indeed. I find Gold jewelry suits dark haired women, I live while gold ( my wedding ring ) and more silver, looks better on me…but understand how special those items are for you, I have none as no one every bought me any that I can call special, besides the things H has bought for me over the last 5 years…

    Have a great night
    I’m feeling a little down…but know tomorrow when I wake up I will be feeling better….xx

  2. I like your picture of the day idea – your jewelry is so classic and pretty! I’d love to see a close up of the charm bracelet – your sentimentality is so touching.

    I hate cleaning. I love how my house looks, and how I feel once it’s clean, but I’m not very good about keeping up a routine. That said, I dusted and vacuumed yesterday and it IS nice to have it done! When my kids were little, I made them help me. I was TRAINING them, lol – that’s what I told them, anyway! At least they know HOW to clean – not sure how often they actually do it, but that’s their issue now.

    The temperature changes are making it hard to run – I just posted about that. I guess we will adjust, but it’s hard at first. Hopefully your next run will be better. At least you got out there and ran!

  3. Have a great time at the movies. I wanted to see that too!!! I like the idea of the picture of the day 🙂

  4. I love your jewellery, I’m like you, I have very few special pieces that I love. I don’t wear alot of jewellery or costume jewellery – it seems like too much work to make everything accessorize all the time.

    Housework..I get in two mindsets, sometimes I want to spend 6 hours in one day and do it all and just get it over with, sometimes I want to do half an hour each day and tackle one job at a time…..either way – I hate it!!!!!

    I thought it would be easier when my boys are older, but its just a different kind of mess now than when they were little – still work!!!

  5. Before I moved to Germany I was working 50+ hrs a week, running Rachelle to and from school, gym, ect. My thinking of how I survived had to be bc I was in my mid twenty’s..lol Sometimes I feel like I never get anything done here and I wonder hoe the heck I did it then.

    I miss girls night outs. Haven’t had one since I moved to Germany. Kinda depressing.

    Love the quote.. Very true.

  6. What is this “housework” you speak of? LOL! I do the minimum required. I am absolutely not interested in housework. I was thinking of importing a couple of kabouters to help me out.

    It must be hard to run when it is warm…just walking in 27 degree weather the other day was hot.

    Your jewels are lovely and the stories behind them are beautiful.

    Did you call your grandmother Granny? I called both of mine Oma and that is what my mother is called too by the grandchildren.

    Enjoy your dinner and movie!

  7. My dad passed away when I was very young and a bracelet like yours would mean so much to me, especially if it had his birthdate on it…what a treasure in more ways than one!
    I am the World’s worst housecleaner…I love a clean house but I’d rather be outside doing something in the yard or garden rather than cleaning. I really wish that weren’t so but I’ve always been like that! Thank goodness my husband doesn’t really mind and we try to work together cleaning on the weekends.
    What??!?? You didn’t know I was doing the B Marathon????? Loved you comment:). I guess I’ll tone it down for next two weeks.
    Keep up the running and just keep getting out there, walking is great too! It’s true, we all have good and bad runs. Oh, have tomorrow night too!

  8. How was the movie? Every metro stop in paris had huge posters of it up – we saw Robert Pattinson every five minutes!

    I hate housework too, it is the least fun part of my life. With three boys, the bathrooms are the worst – they are slobs.

    I’m sorry your run wasn’t too great, but my sister always says those hard runs are the ones where you really make improvements…I hope she is right! It was about the same temperature in paris, it was just gorgeous weather for sightseeing – but I wouldn’t have wanted to be running in it! And this morning it is back to our usual – fris en regenachtig!

  9. onelittlejill

    Always good runs and bad runs is so true!! Keep up the positive thinking!

    It was 90 here yesterday!! That is normal for August!!!

  10. i hate cleaning too but love a clean house 🙂

    Sounds like a great day for a run, we don’t normally reach those types of temps until later in june.

    Weather doesn’t bother me, i do what I need to do, although it is tough to run in snow storms 🙂

    Love the sentimental value of your jewellary. i have two rings my dad wore that are for my boys when they grow up, for now i hold them close to me.

  11. I feel like I am always cleaning AND always on the edge of chaos. With 2 kids, 2 cats and a dog in the house – what a mess!

    Love the memories from your gold jewelry. Lovely.

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