Weight Challenge + Workout Goals April 2010

Weight Challenge April 2010
Starting weight: 89.2 kg (196.6 lbs).
Target weight: 70 kg (154 lbs).

Weight on April 1st : 79.8 kg (175.9 lbs).
Weight on May 1st: 79.1 kg (174.3 lbs)

This months result: -0.7 kg (-1,5 lbs)
Total loss: – 10.1 kg (22.2 lbs)

Fat percentage: 41.0 (last month 41.2)
Muscles percentage: 30.0 (last month 30.3)
BMI: 26.4 (last month 26.7)

I didn’t reach my goal of losing 1.8 kg (3.9 lbs) this month. In fact I gained the first half of the month and started losing again this last two weeks. The losing goes easily, the only thing I do is less snacking between meals and even that goes on the automatic pilot. So all things considered and I stay on this path I’m satisfied for this month.

Goal May:
Lose 1.8 kg (3.9 lbs).

Workout goals 2010, update April
April hasn’t been like planned for my workouts. But it’s okay. I haven’t been myself this last month because of the loss of Roussy half March. It took time to get used to not having her around and that expressed itself in not wanting to do anything. It wasn’t only the workouts which I didn’t feel like doing but I haven’t been doing much of my other hobbies this month. As said it’s okay. We have Bella now and my energy is back and so is my interest in working out, mostly running.

I started my half marathon training on April 19th but so far I haven’t done much with that. Time to move on and start with week 2 next week.

I haven’t reached my goal of 15 workouts so I’ll set the same goal for May.

Also I didn’t reach my km’s/miles goal this month but there is something positive: it’s more than in March so I’m improving. I’ve set my goal on 90K for May.

I have no idea yet if I’m going to get to 900K for this year but that’s too early to tell, I’ll see where I am when Summer is over.

So conclusion: no goals were met but it’s okay. It’s been a weird month emotionally.

Goal April: 15 workouts
Number and time of workouts in April: 9 workouts, total time 6 hours and 58 minutes.

Goal May: 15 workouts

Running goals:

  • Goal kilometres/miles in 2010: 900 K / 560 miles.
    Goal April: 88 K / 54.6 miles
    Total April: 53 K / 32.9 miles

    Goal May: 90 K / 55.9 miles

    Total till 03/31: 163.2 K / 101.4 miles
    Total running time: 22 hours 07 minutes

  • Run a 5K < 35 minutes -> 34:06 on 12/13/2009
    Run a 5K < 32 minutes
    Run a 5K in about 30 minutes
  • Run a 10K < 1.15 -> 01:11:17 on 03/13/2010
    Run a 10K < 1.10
    Run a 10K < 1.05
    Run a 10K in about 1.00
  • Start training for a half marathon -> started on April 19th

12 months, 12 runs:
In 2010 I want to participate in a run every month.

January, run was cancelled, will do 2 in March
February 14, run was cancelled, will do another one later this year.

1. March 7, Trappenbergloop Huizen, 4K -> 00:26:51, 8.9 km/hour, 6:43/km.
2. March 28, Zandvoort Circuit Run, 5K -> 00:32:36, 9.2 km/hour, 6:31/km, new PR 5K.
3. April 18, Nike Ladies Run Hilversum, 10K ->01:13:49, 8.1 km/hour, 7:23/km, new PR 10K.
4. May 30, Almere City Run, 7K
5. September 19, Dam tot Damloop Amsterdam, Ladies Run, 4 EM/6.4K

Strength training:

At least 1 session a week a upper body workout or a perfect legs workout.

14 responses to “Weight Challenge + Workout Goals April 2010

  1. With all you have been going through I think you did well not to gain weight as stress will cause weight gain sometimes.
    You have awesome goals set. I bet this month will be better than last month you sound happier now.
    We both want to end up near the same weight:) funny how we are similar that way. Take care…

  2. It is nice to see that you aren’t beating yourself up about not meeting some of your goals – good for you! I know that surely and steadily you will be able to do everything you set your mind to.
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Never underestimate the power of grief upon losing a pet. It takes a long time to heal.

    Sounds like you have some good goals lined up!

  4. You’re an inspiration to me every day but especially today. I have done nothing this month for no good reason and here you are, still plugging away, doing a 1oK race and losing weight even through such a difficult time. I will think of what you were able to do given your emotional challenges this month the next time I want to say “eff it” and eat whatever I can get my hands on. Thank you for that. And thank you also for being such a loyal reader. It lifts me up everytime I see a comment from you. 🙂

  5. The grief you are feeling is real. It’s a loss to you and will always be part of the “new normal” in your life.

    I think you did so well and I love your goals.

  6. The best thing about April is that you made it through a very emotional month. Hugs to you, Fran – that was a toughie.

    Thanks for the interesting info on the royal family. I think it’s great that they have their own color (and colorful name)! I was really into the British royals when I was a teenager – now I should read up on the Dutch family.

  7. Glad you are feeling a bit better now about Roussy and are getting your energy back. Enjoy your running and achieving all your goals for May.

  8. It takes take to get over losing someone very special in your life, now you have someone new to love and focus on to make it a little easier…enjoy as I wish I had a little puppy but with our lifestyle would be unfair.

    I never set monthly goals as I can never keep them and reading bloggers blogs I see none can keep their goals either so don’t find any inspiration in trying that. I set daily goals….I wake up and say, today I want to do this or that…and then go for it, or before I go to bed I decide what to do the next day. My goal maybe, I want to burn 3 500 calories this week and then I go for it, but I dont do that every week. Some people need goals and that I do understand and respect. I cant.

    Regarding your comment about sweet wine…I HATE dry wine with a passion, tastes awful to me…thank goodness we all different hey…. If wine is not sweet I cant drink it…am having a glass right now as we had a braai this evening.

    Post lots of photo’s of your new baby on your blog!!

  9. Congrats on the loss! Hopefully May will be a great month for you! I know you have the motivation & Bella to keep you going!

  10. Glad to see that you aren’t putting too much pressure on yourself. Things will come along.

    I wasn’t too great with the goals in April, but hey, it’s a new month.

  11. Girl, you have some goals! I like the one about racing once a month, I think that keeps us motivated. Have a great week!

  12. Fran,
    You’ve been through a difficult time and now you are coming through it. Your new little Bella is bringing beautiful energy and vitality with her and I know that you will enjoy every bit of it.

    Have a great May!!

  13. I think it is totally understandable about April. I can’t wait to hear what May has to bring you 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful week!

  14. You may not have met your goal but you are still heading in the right direction!! Great job this month!

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