A day in my life: Saturday September 4, 2010

My recovery week is almost over and I’m glad I added this to my workout schedule. Even though I did exercise during the week I can feel my body is more rested and relaxed. Next week I get back to my half marathon training schedule for the next 3 weeks and then have a new recovery week.

Today I received a trial issue of Shape Magazine in the mail. I have to start reading it but took a sneak preview and already love it. We don’t have that kind of magazines here in Holland which is a pity because these kind of magazines really interest me. I’m also interested in Oxygen Magazine and Women’s Health.

My question for you is if you read these magazines: what’s your favorite and why.

Thursday was my rest day but for the 20 minutes a day challenge I had to get some activity in. I took a walk with Bella. When I wanted to go it started to rain so I waited and about an hour later it was dry and the sun was shining again. It was a nice walk.

Yesterday I had another run on the calendar. A run in Amersfoort in a totally new area of the city. It was held for the first time. The organization could have been better but I give them credit because they did it for the first time. The run was supposed to start at 7 pm but when I got there I heard that it would start at 7.30 pm so had to wait a little longer. I choose 6.6K as a distance but my Garmin gave 6.55K when I crossed the finish line. The weather was perfect, a little bit of sunshine, not much wind and a perfect temperature for running. I decided to run this one on a comfortable pace and not to overdue myself and that worked pretty well. I didn’t finish fast but happy and satisfied.

Next event: Ladies run “Dam tot Damloop” Amsterdam, September 19th.

Weather: sunny, light wind, 20C/68 degrees
Distance: 6.55 K / 4 miles
Time: 00:45:07
Average time: 6:54 /km
Average speed: 8.7 km/hour
Last song on Ipod before finish: Cindy Lauper – Girls just wanna have fun.

The final countdown:

Noodles with vegetables and 2 baked eggs.

Calories: 1998 (goal 1500-1700).
Calories burned:
445 (daily exercise not counted)
Went over my daily goal. Reason: one of the managers graduated and got his master and treated on pie, I had a little piece of apple pie Wednesday morning.

Pasta with ham, Italian vegetables and red pasta sauce.

Calories: 1707 (goal 1500-1700).
Calories burned:
147 (daily exercise not counted)
Note: –

A pasta salad with carrots, avocado, snow peas and walnuts.

Calories: 1445 (goal 1500-1700).
Calories burned:
576 (daily exercise not counted)
I finished only half of my plate with the pasta salad. I didn’t want to eat too much because I had to run after dinner and I don’t like running on a full stomach. I did count the calories for the whole plate which means in total I ate less (to little) calories yesterday.

Fran’s daily outfit:


365 days photo challenge:

Day 36 – Saturday August 28
The bracelet I got in the mail from Syl.

Day 37 – Sunday August 29
Rain, rain, rain

Day 38 – Monday August 30

Bella loves company so when we sit at the dining table she wants to sit there too.

Day 39 – Tuesday August 31
My drawer for only my workout and running clothes (couldn’t think of anything else today)

Day 40 – Wednesday September 1
My company launched our new website today and I found this big bowl with liquorice on my desk. I put it in my bag immediately and gave it to R. to eat it.

Day 41 – Thursday September 2
“Volkstuinen” (People gardens). Don’t know if this is typical Dutch but If you have a very small garden or no garden at all you can rent a piece of land on this complex and (mostly) use it to grow vegetables and fruits on it.

Day 42 – Friday September 3
After the run with the shirt I got.

Day 43 – Saturday September 4
Trial issue of shape arrived.

10 responses to “A day in my life: Saturday September 4, 2010

  1. Do you know I even buy the German Shape magazine as I can see the pictures and work out the training ideas that way….Love seeing the new training fashios, etc…but yes how I would love it in English!!

    Well done on that run…why did I not know it was a organized run,….I know you did a 6.6km run, but thought it was just you on your own…I missed something which is bad as we chat so much!! 😦

    I have never had fried eggs with noodles and vegetables…my fried eggs ( in spray and cook ) goes on a slice of toast!!! hehe
    Otherwise foods look good, you ate a lot of pasta that week, carbo loading for your run I see.

    365 challenge

    1. I wish I had one of those bands, such a great reminder when temptation comes ones way.

    2. Besides loving your back garden…that sure was heavy rain that day…

    3. Bella looks like she is watching and knowing what you are doing ….a clever doggie that you have there.

    4. I see lots of PINK in those drawers….you also a pink girl…

    5. I LOVE liquorice and would find it so hard to give away….

    6. YES, they have this in Germany as well…the Garden’s

    7. I like that logo, Fit To Move ~ will remember it.

    8. My friend who lives in the USA sent me that Shape magazine and it lies here next to me on the table….

  2. Shape is one of my favorite magazines. I like the articles about people who have lost weight and how they did it. My trainer is going to be featured in the November issue. She lost over a 100 pounds!

  3. That’s a lot of rain you had. We have those gardens in some places here. Not so much where I live, but in the city. They are usually called “community gardens”. Congrats on another good run!

    And thanks for your suggestion for the water (filling up at work). I used to do that in our old office. But when we moved we don’t have the bottled water delivered to our office anymore. The water available at work is city water and tastes like bleach to me – disgusting! At home we have water from a well and it tastes even better than store bought bottled water to me. So I always bring water from home to drink. I could buy water, but at $2 for a regular size bottle I’d be broke very quickly.

  4. I don’t even read that many fitness mags anymore because they are so full of ads! I do like Oxygen, though, because they give it to you straight, pretty much. I shouldn’t diss shape because I was in it, though LOL!

    Thanks for the link to your commercial. I couldn’t understand any of it, but it seems a lot like Lowe’s!

    We have those people’s gardens here, only they are called community gardens. I might do one next year for veggies, since I need what space I have for flowers.

  5. Congrats on your race! I loved your pictures thanks for sharing. I like the weight loss stories and general fitness stuff in Shape magazine, Oxygen is more hardcore for body building and gym types. I workout at home now so I don’t buy Oxygen anymore plus the price of magazines has really gotten high over here they add up quick so I stick to two Shape, and Oprah…

  6. Glad you enjoyed that race, although it was held for the first time 🙂
    Three years ago I used to read “Running World”. It was very useful.
    I’m sorry you had a rainy weather.
    Have a nice week Fran and … happy running!

  7. Great job on your race – cute shirt too! Right now I have a subscription to Runner’s World (US version) and Oprah magazine. I had a subscription to Oxygen which I really liked but half the time the magazine never came so I finally cancelled it and got the rest of my money back. I will just have to wait to buy it when I go to visit family back home. It is much more focussed on weight lifting and clean eating.

  8. Fran – what an accomplishment your race was! So happy/proud for you. I love collecting race shirts and have a hard time getting rid of them. I like Shape because I was in it! I also like Fitness magazine, but don’t have a subscription to it.

  9. That licorice looks cute – shapes of tools, right?

    I read Shape every once in a while but my favorite is Runner’s World. I really get a lot out of that magazine.

    Glad you had a good race, and that t-shirt is great! Love the Dutch orange as well.

    The picture of you and Bella at the table is so cute – that pup adores you!

  10. I love that t-shirt:) I am playing catch-up…I have not been able to spend much time on the computer for several reasons. I will read the rest of your posts as I have time! Take care Fran!

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