A day in my life: Tuesday October 6th  2009

Eating goes well even though yesterday and today were an emotional rollercoaster: I didn’t eat extra.

Yesterday I was supposed to do WII Active Sports and day 4 of the shred but something happened (see thoughts) and I couldn’t get myself to exercise.

Today I did day 4 of the Shred so I’m 1 day “behind” But before I started I made an agreement with myself that I had to do the shred at least 5 days a week so I’m not really behind.

What’s for dinner:
Yesterday a simple dinner of which I forgot to take a photo: chicken, potatoes and Brussels sprouts.

Today a typical Dutch (at least I think it is) meal which we ate a lot during Autumn/Winter with various vegetables: “Zuurkoolstamppot” which is a hotchpotch of potatoes and sauerkraut with smoked sausage.


Our dog Roussy (a West Highland White Terrier) is 16 years old. Lately she hasn’t been well: she peed a lot in the house, she had diarrhoea and threw up sometimes. Usually it went away after 1 or 2 days. She hasn’t been eating well and lost a lot of weight.

Saturday it was very bad, I have been cleaning up behind her all day. Sunday she seemed better but at night it was a mess again so I made an appointment with the vet yesterday. She took some blood and from that it appeared her kidneys aren’t hardly working anymore so she’s sick. We’ve got medication for the diarrhoea and special food (kidney diet) and we had to see if this helps, if not we might have to put her to sleep.

When we got home it got worse, she threw up every half hour, after she drank she immediately threw it up. Her diarrhoea was bloody so I was very very worried. I decided to sleep on the couch downstairs so that I could be with her. She threw up some more till about 2.30 at night and then she went to sleep and I could sleep.

Today she seems better, hasn’t thrown up, no diarrhoea and she ate a little bit. So we decided to see how this goes for a couple of days. The vet is going to call us on Thursday to see how she’s doing. We did decide that as soon as things are going to get worse we will put her to sleep because she was really feeling terrible yesterday. Today we decided what we want to do with her after she dies, we hadn’t discussed that yet.

So I’ve been crying a lot yesterday and today. At this moment I’m calm but have a headache of all the emotions and short night of sleep.

Positive today:
Roussy’s feeling better.

Daily Tip/Quote:
Dogs’ lives are too short.  Their only fault, really.
Agnes Sligh Turnbull

10 responses to “A day in my life: Tuesday October 6th  2009

  1. Fran, my heart goes out to you. There is nothing harder than losing a beloved pet. As much as we want to keep them going we have to think of what is best for them and if they are suffering. I’ll be thinking about your sweet doggie and hope it goes well. When our dear Sofie passsed from congestive heart failure at the age of 8, we had her cremated and her ashes were spread in a pet cemeery. The vet gave us a plack with her name and date of birth and death on it. My thoughts are with you in these tough days ahead.

  2. I’m so sorry about your adorable dog. It is really, really hard to let go of a pet you love. I know you want to keep her around forever, but if she is suffering it’s in the best to let her go. I’m so sorry tho! I’ll be thinking about you both.

  3. It is so sad to see any living thing going through pain like that, especially an animal that we are close too. I hope your dog gets better.

  4. I’m so sorry to hear your news. Pets are the most unbelievable gift in our lives–always happy and caring and eager to see you. I hope that she pulls through. Good thoughts are coming your way!

    (Oh and I’m glad you found me again. 🙂

  5. I’m sorry your sweet pup has been sick – the quote at the bottom of your post was so right – no matter how long we have our dogs, it just isn’t enough time. We lost our 15 year old dachshund 3 years ago and I still miss her terribly. Hope your baby gets better!

  6. Fran, I am so sorry to hear about your dear little dog. It’s so hard to see them get old. I wish you and your husband lots of strength to get through this.

  7. Hi Fran,

    I am very glad I came across your blog today, but am sad about your dog. I hope Roussy makes a full recovery.

    I am Dutch too, both my parents were born in the Netherlands and I have been there a couple of times.

    Cool to read a blog by someone in the Netherlands!

    I will look forward to reading your posts…again, I hope your dog gets better quickly.

  8. Oh, Fran! (((hugs))) I would be the same way! Roussy is absolutely precious! I hope the medication helps! Hang in there!

  9. Fran, I hope you are doing okay. Pets are such a joy in our lives and for a short time.

  10. What a beautiful dog, wish I could have one, but hubby says NO…does not suit our lifestyle…
    So pleased to read that there is improvement now.

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