A day in my life: Saturday December 19th 2009

Thursday morning I woke up and this is what we saw: snow! It doesn’t snow here very often so it’s kind of special. However I’m already bored with it. I’m not a snow person. And besides snowing it’s really cold also, something else we’re not used to.

Thursday morning:

Thursday night:

Today, looking from my bedroom window:

Well I have to admit that I was paying less attention to my eating and exercising with the excuse that it’s the holiday season. I didn’t count Points on Thursday and Friday and I can tell you I ate too much. I thought well I’ll try to maintain and see on January 2nd how I did. But then yesterday something happened.

I had a Christmas lunch at work where I didn’t eat too much and skipped the dessert buffet. I was wearing one of my new dresses with my high heels of 10 cm (4 inches). First I was talking to a female co-worker of mine who said that she has took a picture of my back. So I said to her that that wasn’t very flattering. No, no she said, I took the picture because your back is beautiful, your body line is perfect. I blushed and thanked her for the compliment.

Later I was talking to a guy between 20 and 30 years old and he told me that he and some others had been talking about me. So I asked why they were talking about me. Well they were amazed by my legs how long and perfect they were. And so I blushed for the second time.

I was so happy with all the compliments (got a lot on the dress too) and I told R. about it when I got home. I told him that he might not see that I lose weight but others do. He sees me everyday and I lose slowly so it’s difficult for him to see the change. He than told me that he was looking at pictures of us from 2 years ago in Barcelona and that he could see from that picture and how I look today that I did lose weight.

All these things together made me think: I WON’T GIVE UP! I’ve worked so hard this past few months and I won’t gain it all back due to some holidays. So I still try to maintain the weight, I don’t have to lose these last two weeks but I will keep tracking my food (except for the 2 Christmas Days and New Year’s eve and day) and I will workout as much as I can.

I’ve got inspired by Jill from Finishing is winning who made a workout goal plan for 2010. I’m going to make that too and will post that before New Year.

And last but not least: I’ve got a Christmas bonus at work so I’m definitely going to buy the Garmin Forerunner 305 this week.

No exercise on Thursday, couldn’t run due to the snow and didn’t feel like doing something else.
Yesterday no exercise either but this morning I went to the gym and did a Matt Roberts workout for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

The Ultimate Diet Log:

By the numbers: 6: Number of weeks humans can survive without food. 7: Number of days we can survive without water, our most important nutrient.

Nutrition tip: To save time, make nutritious foods in double batches. Grill extra vegetables and refrigerate them for use later as a pizza topping, omelet filler, or sandwich layer. Use the black beans from tonight’s chilli for tomorrow’s salad or soup.

Positive today:
Had a great workout today.

Daily Tip/Quote:
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

Winston Churchill

13 responses to “A day in my life: Saturday December 19th 2009

  1. It is so hard for those who see us daily to notice our losses, so they aren’t necessarily the best gauges. Compliments like you received today, however, are real indicators of where you are. It must have really felt awesome!

  2. Great feeling when others notice and pass such lovely compliments…if only people knew that a small compliment goes a long long way to the other person, we would be so much more forth coming with them.
    I’m pleased those people made you feel good about yourself as that is what you needed to stay on track….
    I’m also going to try stay on track, my weakness at the moment is chocolate…have no idea why…
    Have good Saturday evening.

  3. Oh, it is so nice when people make nice comments about something we have worked so hard to accomplish! Now you can be sure it has been worth all the hard work. Not only is it visible to the outside world but I bet you have gained a lot personally as well (feel better, more fit, etc). Hold on to that motivation and inspiration for as long as you can!

  4. That is so awesome that other people not only noticed your new, fit and thin body, but made a point to compliment you on it! And yeah, I think for those who see us every day, sometimes a trip down memory lane via photographs is in order.

    I’ll bet you rocked that dress and high heels! Need pictures!!!

    Your snow is beautiful.

  5. Love the pictures! So beautiful but I am like you it and go already. It is nice when others see the difference. I think in a way it gives us reassurance that we are changing!!

  6. Great pictures of the snow, but I would also like to see some pics of this beautiful dress.

    How nice that you received so many compliments on how fit and beautiful your body is!!!

  7. Thanks for the visit and comment.
    Yes very very cold, we going to be heating up the spare room for Sarah tomorrow morning before we leave to collect her as that room is currently like an ice block and not used.

    I think its the computer as well…I spend maybe in total 2/3 hours off and the rest of the day till 9pm in front of it….it keeps me busy – not sure what I’m going to do if I cant sit here – will have to start my scrap booking again.

    Am looking forward to Sarah coming as well…will be lovely to have life in my home again with her and her 10 year old daughter.

  8. I love the quote! Also, I read your comment on my blog and you did such a great time on your running! Way to go! Have a great, warm, rest of the weekend 🙂

  9. That snow picture is gorgeous!

    And you are doing fantastically with your weight loss–your thought process sounds very sane. I like the idea of not counting on Christmas and Christmas Eve. I think I’ll treat myself to that too!

    Isn’t it nice when you get real compliments from others like that?

  10. Fran, you are doing a great job. Just remember don’t trade in what you want most for what you want at the moment. These holidays can be very tempting.

  11. SNOW!!!!

    You are doing a great job. It can be hard to see your own progress and for others who see you every day to as well, but it’s nice to get those compliments that remind you of how awesome you are doing!

  12. That snow is beautiful! And I think it’s just beautiful that you are getting compliments – you deserve them after all your hard work. Like you said, a little holiday food isn’t worth gaining weight and going backwards for. Definitely right on!

    I hope that snow goes away soon!

  13. That snow is beautiful! Fresh fallen snow is just so magical until it gets all melty and slushy LOL.

    I think you deserve every comment for all of your hard work! And remember it’s a journey, and there will be bumps along the way, but your head is in the right place.

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