A day in my life: Wednesday February 10th 2010

Thanks for the tips at the weekend.

@Lori: I have a mealplan for the whole week, also for the weekend. It’s not actually my meals where it goes wrong but the not planned snacks. And I don’t eat as much fruits and veggies during the weekend as I do on weekdays. That must be one thing to change.

@Syl: I always have a water bottle filled up but I forget to drink it usually. Also one thing to do better on.

Today it is snowing again, I’m bored and tired with it. The road home was a mess, traffic jams everywhere so it took me longer than usual. Our country is having a shortage of salt so the roads are hardly scattered with salt so it’s very icy.

I feel for R. who had to go to Belgium today for his work. It’s now 6.45 pm here and he hasn’t even reached the border yet. I’m afraid he won’t be home till late.

Yesterday a short cardiotraining of 33 minutes as my legs were sore.

I have been working out 4 days in a row and I experienced that’s too much for me as my legs are extremely tired. So I’m taking a rest day today instead of going for a run (it’s too cold and icy anyway and don’t feel like running on the treadmill)

I admire all of you who work out 6 or 7 days a week, I wish I could but my body says no. So I’m going to try something different. The plan is to work out 2 days and then take 1 day of rest. One of those 2 days I want to run and the other go to the gym. This way I get 4 or 5 workouts in a week which is okay for me. It’s more than most people do, right?

Something funny (if you are a fan of the Twilight Saga you will know what I’m talking about). Somewhere during the day I pushed on my upper legs and instead of feeling the softness what they used to be I felt a strong muscled leg. Result of almost a year of running and working out. I felt proud about it.

I walked to my friend K. and said to her “feel my leg”.
“Wow that’s hard” she said.
I said “now you know how Edward feels like”.
She had to laugh and said “but you’re still warm”.
So I said “oh no this means I’ve got a bit of Jacob in me too”. (You’ll understand I’m team Edward).
She laughed even louder.
So now you now it, I have vampire-werewolf legs.

What’s for dinner:
Yesterday white fish steamed in the oven with carrots and leek with potatoes and broccoli.

Today beef stroganoff with mashed potatoes.

Positive today:
So proud of my legs!

Daily Tip/Quote:
Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.
Victor Hugo

11 responses to “A day in my life: Wednesday February 10th 2010

  1. I am so team Edward to!!!! Maybe my goal will be to have hard legs to! Congrats on those Twilight legs. I think your new workout schedule sounds good!!

  2. Hi my friend – have no idea who team Edward is???

    Those legs have been looking good for a while now so can just imagine how hard they are…
    One has to always adjust your training and eating – I see with myself. I do try train 5/6 times a week…remember I dont work so hardly do any movement if I dont train..so its different for us – our situations.

    Your meals look great…
    I had salon, brocolli and salad for dinner.. and some quark for pudding..

    Hope you have a good day tomorrow…I’m off to the hairdresser for hilights and cut..want it short, am tried of the back curling when I sweat..want it gone!!

  3. Please tell me your legs aren’t as hairy as a werewolf’s. I fear for your office mates seeing as you shimmy around in skirts at work! 😛

    I CAN’T WAIT to go for a run with you. It will happen.

  4. You make me laugh, having your friend feel your hard muscle! (I do that to my husband, too)

    I workout three days straight, then take the next two days off because I’m working, then workout on the next day – so that’s 3 on, 2 off, 1 on, 1 off – whenever I do any more (like the last couple of weekends, I’ve run both days), it’s too much and I’m worn out. I like that you are listening to your body and giving it a break. And like you said, you are working out WAY more than most people!

    A salt shortage? Now I have heard everything!

  5. Your legs look good from what I have seen!!!

    I read on Twitter about R. having an accident. Hope all is well with him and that he is now home with you.

    Take care!

  6. I remember that feeling too – the first time I could really tell a difference in my legs. Man, that was a good day.

  7. Great job on the strong muscles 🙂 I love the connection to Edward from Twilight!!

  8. Hi Fran! I know about the snow – it’s obnoxious! We are all sick of it too…if only it would warm up a little so we could all complain about rain instead!

    So sorry to hear R was stuck in those awful traffic jams – it was really bad. Almost 1000 km of traffic blocked.

    Good for you on your buff legs – nice feeling, isn’t it?

  9. Your food always looks so delicious, I love getting ideas from food photos, somehow just reading about food doesn’t do it justice, I have to see it…which is probably why I have so many cookbooks!!!

    I am thinking of starting to take food photos again.

  10. Fran, thanks so muc for sponsoring me for the Brussels 20K!! You’ll be with me in spirit every step of the way!

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