A day in my life: Wednesday January 12, 2011

Yesterday K. was back at work. She has been on vacation to Las Vegas en Los Angeles and I really missed her. I gave her a gift for her birthday (J’Adore by Dior) and she got me a present too. She had bought me an Adidas shirt for Pilates (pink of course).

As we both are huge Twilight Saga fans and are both on Team Edward we decided a while back that we would see every movie with Robert Pattinson together. As there are two new movies with him coming out soon I thought I should remind her about that. I send her the following email:

Dear K.,

Hereby you are invited for the Robert Pattinson Movie Club. Only accessible for RP fans who like to see the movies he plays in.

Members: K. and Fran

Purpose of the club: see his new movies in the cinema on a movie date.
Excluded: the Twilight Saga because K.’s husband loves those movies too.

Upcoming  movies:
Bel Ami February 17th 2011
Water for Elephants April 27th 2011
Cosmopolis 2012?

The RP is a secret society, new members can only join the club by invitation. If you want to join the movie club, fill in the application form below and

reply the email:
Yes, I want to join
No, find someone else

Of course she answered yes, which means we have to plan two movie dates 🙂

Yesterday I went to Pilates. I haven’t been to a class in 3 weeks and I looked forward to going again. I wasn’t disappointed, it was a great class as usual. We worked mostly on the muscles in the back and abs this time.

Today I had to do 8K (5 miles), slow warming up for 2K, then 4.8 at a 7:08/km pace and cooling down for 1.2K. Am I boring you already when I said it was another great run in the book? I’m proud of myself because:

  • It rained hard with a lot of wind
  • It got dark halfway the run and I was running where there were no street lights
  • I ran 8K after a day of work for the first time since I started running
  • Oh and did I mention it rained?

I was soaking wet when I got home. I was glad R. made dinner that was almost ready. I took a shower first and then we ate.

The only bad thing during the run was that the zipper of my jacket finally completely died. Luckily I had a water belt so I could keep it together. But the first thing I did tonight was buy a new jacket online. My workout/running clothes have to fit properly so I won’t have to worry about that during workouts/runs.

While running I thought at myself: I ran in snow, I ran at temperatures below zero, I ran in heavy rain with a lot of wind, I even ran in a storm once. Why should I even think about running indoors at the dreadmill? I decided that I will run outside always from now on except when the roads are too icy or when there’s a weather alarm on the news.

Weather: rain, rain, rain, lots of wind, 6C/42 degrees.
Distance: 8 K / 5 miles
Time: 00:58:25
Average time: 7:18 /km
Average speed: 8.2 km/hour
Last song on Ipod before finish: Bruce Springsteen – Cover me.

Daily dinner

Tuesday January 11
Chicken breast, spiced with Cajun herbs, stir-fried mixed vegetables and potatoes.

Wednesday January 12
I was so hungry I totally forgot to take a picture.

17 responses to “A day in my life: Wednesday January 12, 2011

  1. Good for you for running in the rain (and cold and snow, etc). I do the same thing! I run with coworkers and I remember the first time one of them ran in the rain with me. He told me he never thought he’d be “that guy” but there he was. hehe. Now you are “that girl” who will run in any condition! 😉

  2. Look at who is becoming a hard core runner!!! Awesome.

    I’d love to see your new Adidas shirt as I got a new pink one at Christmas. Mine is hot pink and I love it!

  3. Love your dinner, now that is something I can cook at home, I just need to find the how to do it.
    WE went out for dinner as you suggest on Twitter…was great, was nice to sit and chat and not have the TV on….

  4. Uh oh…..is now the time to tell you that I’m on team Jacob? Or should we just forget I said that?? (giggle)

    Good for you getting out there while it was raining!!! I’m debating a run tonight…either 1) outside 2) home on the dreadmill 3) with the running club at the gym (on the dreadmill)

    Haven’t decided yet. 🙂

  5. I’m becoming a bit of a movie goer. I want to see the Elephants one. I just saw a preview for it.

  6. I’m so happy that running is going GREAT for you, Fran!!! Love that you are getting out there and doing it – you are quite an inspiration to me.

    I agree with you on running clothes having to fit right – any little thing that isn’t working properly becomes magnified a ton for me while I’m dealing with it and running. We need to see (or maybe it’s just me, lol) pictures of your new jacket and shirt!

    Your Robert Pattinson club is so cute. You and K really have a lot of fun together, I can tell. 🙂

  7. Love the movie club – that is such a cute idea. I bet you two will have a blast 😀

  8. Very nice indeed! I love reading how your runs and general exercises are coming together so nicely. That 8K run was super. I am proud of you, and know that I will always support you. Rock on Fran!

  9. What a cute email. I don’t even read the Twilight books and I’ve never seen one of the movies but I would answer yes to that email just so I could hang with you. 🙂

  10. You are definitely becoming a hard core runner if you ran in that rain yesterday! Way to go! I still haven’t gotten out yet…going to have to fix that sooner rather than later…

  11. I like that dinner of yours. Looks yummy. I also like the fact that you and your friend have a movie club as such. Me and my friend have one but it is only for the Twilight movies. Which is still great 🙂

  12. Look at you and all that running!!! I walk in all weather as well but mostly bc my neighbor is calling me and asking me to come. I am team Edward all the way as well!!! Can’t wait for the next Twilight movie!

  13. Photos of your fab new running jacket once it arrives, please!

    Hard Core. I’m going to start calling you Hard Core Fran. Defnitely.

  14. Great work Fran, another great run on the books!
    I think that to and have been known to run in crazy conditions but right now it is minus 31 degrees C with the windchill and I just can’t do it. It has left me completly grounded, when ever I run in conditions like that I get instantly sick, so I’m not wanting to risk it. So for now it’s the treadmill!
    So proud of you, you are definately gonna have an amazing year, because you have almost killed the first month! WTG!

  15. I do that alot- I just eat too fast and forget the pictures LOL
    Great job running in wet!! I agree my clothes must fit or I constantly think about it!!

  16. I have awarded you The Stylish Blogger Award. Please check out my post at http://sherunsinsandals.blogspot.com/2011/01/stylish-blogger-award.html



  17. I’m on Team Edward too. He’s so dreamy. 🙂

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